Operating Systems

Say "No" Microsoft Windows!

In October 2015, NETMARKETSHARE stated that versions of Micrsoft Windows accounted for more than 90% of all operating systems used on desktop and laptop computers around the world. Everyone chooses Windows for their business, because everyone else chose Windows before them.

BUT! Windows and Windows Applications, have several inherent disdvantages, e.g. its continual susceptibility to viruses and system crashes.

So why do people use Microsoft products? First, because Windows has become the defacto operating system and so the majority of developers create their applications solely for Windows. Second, because most people are not aware of the alternatives. Let us highlight what you are missing.

Operating Usage Worldwide (Oct 2015)


Operating System Name



Windows xxx


MAC xxx


Linux xxx





So, What is the alternative? Implementations of Linux are used by 1.57% of the world and there is a surprisingly large volume of excellent applications available for it, even software which supports Word, Excel and Powerpoint file formats.

We have been using versions of Linux Fedora, in our office and in hotels, for 5 years and have experienced far fewer problems than we did with Microsoft Windows and Windows applications. In addition, switching from Windows products to Linux Fedora products requires very little training and there are no issues regards updates and licenses. Linux Fedora and our recommended applications are free.

Say NO to Windows image

Contact Us Today for further advice and assistance.

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Phone: +44 (0) 7501 529217
eMail: enquiries@micronetdev.com

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Sok San Road, Svay Dangkum
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Phone: +855 (0)12 297556
eMail: enquiries@micronetdev.com

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